
ABS InFocus (Beef x Dairy)
ABS InFocus involves the strategic use of proven beef sires on dairy cows within a comprehensive breeding plan. InFocus enables dairies to increase cash flow and improve future herd genetics. Lower performing cows are bred to beef and calves are sold at a premium. Top performing cows are used for heifer replacements.
ABS Beef x Dairy Advantage
There are clear differences between beef bulls when tested on dairy cows for fertility, calving ease, still birth and calf quality. The ABS Real World Data™ program monitors these results and graduates only those sires with a competitive advantage over unproven dairy beef sires.
- Increased Fertility: ABS tracks real beef x dairy fertility results, and bulls that achieve a 5-star RWD ranking perform 2-3 percentage points better for conception rate than industry averages. This keeps more cows in lactation and reduces the number of units to achieve pregnancy.
- Improved Calving Ease: Improved calving ease reduces stress in the maternity pens and gets cows back on peak milk more quickly. The industry average for Holstein calving difficulty is significantly greater than InFocus sires.
- Reduced Still Birth: InFocus sires reduce the still birth rate by more than half compared to Holstein breed averages.
- Calf Quality: ABS InFocus sires are designed to produce superior beef cattle from dairy cows, in terms of health, growth rate, feed efficiency and carcass merit. InFocus calves significantly outperform dairy steers and generically-sired dairy beef.
InFocus Angus and SimAngus information based on >29,000 observations Holstein heifer and lactating cows.
Industry Testimonials

“I have been pleasantly surprised and impressed with the transformation that the carefully selected beef genetics have produced in the InFocus program. I have no doubt that cattle that go through the InFocus program will be of superior quality and value vs just beef on dairy commodity cattle.”
Marcine Moldenhauer, Meat Link Management, LLC

“We are excited about this new profit center that ABS InFocus provides for us at Dairy Dreams."
Don and Ann Niles, Dairy Dreams, Casco, WI

“The ABS Dairy InFocus program really fits our Holstein and Jersey breeders. As a heifer ranch, we aim to develop the best dairy replacements for our customers. By using InFocus on the lower performing cows, our dairy customers are paid a premium for beef calves and they get back higher quality replacement heifers.”
Justin & Jerod Ball, Deer Creek Feeding, LLC, Dalhart, Texas