Genomic Testing: The Process and Using the Data

Publish date: 5.22.24 

Leveraging the power of genomic testing is not only your ticket to staying ahead of the genetic curve but maximizing productivity and profitability. All together! After determining which cows are the ideal performers, genomic testing is your tool to unlock the genetic potential of your herd because it assists you in comparing your current herd to the ideal future herd. This has been a tool that has been utilized for years on the sire side of the industry, but today, producers have seen the benefits of deploying this technology on the female side.  

The Power of Genomic Testing 

Genomic testing allows producers to make better breeding decisions with the information it provides. With this tool, dairy producers can create a genetic roster for all the females in the herd and accurately rank them based on their ideal cow. Genomic testing can then assist in identifying the females to create the next generation and the ones who will get bred to beef to generate a beef cross calf. Genomics increases accuracy within the genetic progress equation through improved reliabilities. Thus, genomic testing benefits dairy producers by allowing them to make faster genetic progress through a more precise breeding plan.   

Data Submission and Utilization  

Often, genomic testing is viewed as a hassle of paperwork that starts with a complex spreadsheet to submit the sample data. Then after testing, a spreadsheet is returned to you with endless columns of data on those samples. Some dairy producers might think “Is the juice worth the squeeze?” if they have no actionable insights to implement in their operation.  

The benefits of genetic testing revolve around using the data it provides to assist you in making better breeding decisions, but it can be a struggle to utilize the data correctly if all you receive are endless columns of data in a spreadsheet.  

No need to worry, though! Partnering with ABS can make your genomic testing data submission and utilization a breeze. As a genetics provider, we are equipped to deliver effective tools and insights to apply the data in an effective genetic plan. We can assist you in turning the data you receive from genomic testing into actionable decisions that result in faster genetic progress.  

Here are the ways we can help you use your data more effectively:  

  • Simple, no spreadsheet submission with the ABS Global App that allows you to search for the animals in your farm software and scan their Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) tubes. 
  • Accurately rank your herd utilizing the genomic results to determine which animals should be bred to sexed or beef. 
  • If you choose to individually mate your animals, we can incorporate the genomic results into your mating program to make better-informed mating decisions.  
  • Utilize the genomic results to inform your decisions on which animals are worthy to keep in your herd. 

The Process for Genomic Sampling Through ABS 

Genomic testing does not have to be complicated. We have identified the step-by-step process below, so you have exactly what you need to implement it on your dairy farm. To start the process, you will need the following tools: an Allflex tissue applicator, tissue sample unit (TSU) tubes, and your phone. It is as simple as loading the Allflex Tissue Applicator, taking the sample, and submitting it right through your phone via our app. Please note that there are a few variations of the applicator, so refer to your model’s instructions.  

With our easy-to-use app, ABS made it easy to submit sample information. You can scan the sample without the hassle of typing in the sample or permanent ID numbers. While the app simplifies the headache of sample submissions, your trusted ABS Genetic Advisor is always there to help answer any questions you may have. Once the samples are taken and submissions completed, all that is left is to ship the TSU tubes to the lab with the mailing label provided.   

Some Questions We Frequently Get Asked  

While we have done our best to make the process as simple as possible, there will always be questions.  

Q1. What type of DNA sample does ABS require? 

A1: A tissue sample collected from the animal’s ear with a tissue sampling unit (TSU). 

Q2: When should I take a genomic sample? 

A2: Depending on your operation, genomic sampling might occur at birth, vaccination, or pen moves. It depends on when it is most convenient to handle the animal and take the sample.  

Q3: How do results get loaded into our farm management software system? 

A3: The ABS team will take the lead and work with you to ensure the results that matter to your breeding decisions are in your software system.  

Q4: Where can I look at the full results?  

A4: ABS provides a portal where you can view the full results, and your genetic services specialist will provide guidance and interpretation of them as needed. 

Become a GENEadvance Herd

Genomic testing does not have to be overcomplicated from a process and data utilization standpoint. We strive to make the process simple and easy to implement on farm and to provide actionable data insights you can use to make decisions. We want your data to be more useful to you than just endless columns on a spreadsheet.   

Partnering with the right genetics provider is key to ensuring you receive the right support and advice you need and want. By partnering with ABS, you have the full support of our team of experts. When it comes to genomic data utilization and management in genetic plans, we possess the resources and expertise to accelerate genetic progress based on the operational goals of a herd.  

You can take your genomic testing to the next level by becoming a GENEadvance herd. This program is designed to help you make faster genetic progress because we know the future success of your operation is dependent on the genetics that make up your herd’s next generation. GENEadvance is a complete solutions approach that takes the guesswork away.  

To start genomic testing your herd, contact your ABS Genetic Advisor or complete the form below.  

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