ABS & Dairy News

Beefing up fertility in Victoria

Like all dairy farmers, getting cows in calf is a priority for Simon Rea. Milking 520 Holsteins at Panmure, calving mostly in the autumn, herd fertility is crucial. “We’d reached a point where we realised, we were going to have enough Friesian heifer calves for replacements,” he said. “That when we started using the ABS…


Beef market options deliver added benefit for dairy-cross calves

There’s been no shortage of interest in the dairy-beef calves hitting the ground at Kevin and Claire Wines’ farm this spring. The couple were filling their calf shed at Ecklin South with the ABS Beef InFocus™ animals as their spring calving draws to a close. “We haven’t completely decided what we will do with them,”…


Unlocking income with dairy-beef

Improving his dairy herd was the impetus for James Couch to use dairy-beef semen. For the Nullawarre dairy farmer, it was a simple equation. Joining the bulk of his herd to proven ABS Beef InFocus™ delivered in-calf cows, but more importantly it helped cut costs. It’s not only cheaper semen compared to what he’d normally…


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