ABS & Dairy News

Jersey “all rounder” jumps with genomics

A new standout genomic Jersey hits the frontFive of the top 10 Australian proven bulls are ABS siresTop Holstein proven bull is ABS’ Denovo 14744 GINETTALong-time Holstein breed leader ABS JERONIMO P’s bloodlines feature in top high-ranking cows and bulls. AUSTRALIA’S most exciting Jersey bull is big on milk, high on type and has positive…


Jersey genetics that deliver

Reliability and proven top-end genetics underpin one of the newest Jersey bulls to hit the Australian market. 29JE4487 Murray Brook MOTIE – sired by the number one proven Jersey bull Jeronimo – is set to deliver the high milk flow and breed leading protein characteristics of his sire, with a fertility boost from his dam…


Early adoption pays off for South Gippsland Jersey herd

Walk into the heifer paddock at Kylie Reid’s farm and you are met with a sea of even, inquisitive Jerseys. These replacement dairy heifers – minus the few ABS Beef InFocus™ animals – represent the next generation for Kylie, her husband Mark and their children Alannah 17, Campbell 16, and Lily 14. What you don’t…


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