Beef Synchronization Protocols
In beef production, profitability is driven through reproduction, and how a producer manages reproduction can impact that in the cow herd. One reproductive management technique that can boost productivity and profitability in beef cattle operations is estrus synchronization. A cow pays for herself to stay in the herd by becoming pregnant, carrying the calf to term, and weaning a calf every year. Because a beef producer’s profitability is based on marketing the offspring as weaned calves, reproduction is a key factor for success.
Beef producers can improve the rate of pregnancy production through Estrous Synchronization programs. They increase the number of females that get bred early and calve in the first 30 days of the calving season. Protocols involve MGA, CIDR®, prostaglandins and/or gonadotropin-releasing hormones.
ABS Global firmly believes that the advantages of artificial insemination and synchronization protocols for herds vastly exceed the common concerns of labor, hassle, and efficiency challenges. There are several benefits through synchronization when you have a genetic and reproductive partner like us.
The Benefits of Synchronization
- Increase the number of heifers bred early in the breeding season
- Increase profitability from early calving cows, calf crop uniformity, and heavier calves at weaning
- Increase longevity of females in your herd
- Increase in days postpartum which promotes better breed back of females
- Increase the total number of females bred through increased opportunities to become bred
- Increase value of replacement females created
- Decrease the number of bulls and facility space needed
- Decreased calving season, thus shortening the labor and time needed
Maximize the Success of Synchronization Programs
- Obtain good protocol compliance and hormone handling and administration
- Have a high percentage of cycling females
- Develop accurate and efficient heat detection
- Have adequate facility and animal identification
- Ensure a suitable number of days postpartum in females
The Current Protocols

ABS is proud to be a member of the Beef Reproduction Task Force (BRTF), which includes members of the scientific community, pharmaceutical industry, veterinarians, and semen companies. The task force creates the list of the recommended protocols. These have been tested and found effective in beef cattle, which is why we suggest complying with the guidelines as written by BRTF.
We are passionate about reproduction, so let us help you achieve the greatest pregnancy success. Contact your ABS Representative or complete the form below to connect with a local representative to implement synchronization in your herd today!