How Do You Create Your Ideal Cow? 

Publish date: 6.6.24 

Milk markets vary throughout the US and Canada which means each dairy’s goal is unique to their specific operation. Your dairy has different needs and objectives than the one down the road from you. Thus, all dairy cows should not be created equally as they do not all have the same purpose in terms of the product they are producing.  

Your goal should be to create a cow that optimizes your milk check and boosts your profits—the ideal cow in your system. Before we dive into how to create your ideal cow, let’s answer the questions that will help you understand which cows are the ideal performers in your herd.  

Optimize Your Dairy’s Economics 

Your dairy’s economics is not entirely in your control. You can’t control the external market—demand, premiums, discounts, or market downturns. However, you can control the cost and usage of inputs, and the product that you produce as well as understand why cows leave the operation. As you operate in a changing dairy industry, be aware of these three things to maximize production, profitability, and efficiency.  

  1. Know your cost of production (breakeven) 
  1. Produce the right composition of milk as efficiently as possible compared to other dairies in your market. 
  1. Reduce the cost of production to weather market downturns. 

When you are considering your dairy’s economics, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. The first is to know the ins and outs of your milk check. The bottom line is do you know what you get paid for in your milk market and are you producing a product that is demanded by your market? Your milk check can tell you where you are doing well and where you can improve. Secondly, it is key to understand why cows are leaving your operation and if you are creating the right number of heifers. Answering these questions can help you develop a focused genetic plan that produces productive, more efficient, ideal cows. 

Creating Your Ideal Cow 

Designing your ideal cow begins with identifying who the ideal performers in your herd are based on your dairy’s economics.  The genetic plan you create should always be pointing in the direction of the future performance needed by your dairy as well as include the areas where you want to improve. Consider the following questions to help you determine who the ideal cow is for your system.  

  • How do you get paid for your milk? 
  • Why do cows leave the dairy? 
  • What processor demands and facility changes are anticipated in the future? 
  • What does your herd need to look like in five years? 
  • Are there cow design issues affecting efficiency in your operation? 
  • Is your herd’s udder design sufficient for milking? 

The Tools to Create Your Ideal Cow 

Now that you understand what the ideal cow is for your system, you can create her using the tools and technology available to you. These tools can help you amplify genetic progress and increase profitability.  

  • Custom Index: A tailored selection index specifically based on your management style, herd goals, and milk market.  
  • Genomic testing: A tool to create a genetic roster of all the females in your herd and rank them based to precisely identify who will produce replacements and who to breed to beef.  
  • Sexed semen: A product that assists you in increasing your selection intensity and creating the right number of genetically superior replacements from the best dams.  

Remember, building your ideal cow herd starts with understanding your dairy economics and what type of female you will need in the future. With the advancements in technology, tools like a custom index, genomic testing, and sexed semen give you the power to design your dairy’s ideal cow. Learn more about creating the ideal cow for your herd by reading our article originally published in Progressive Dairy.   

Want help designing your ideal cow? Contact your local representative or fill out the form below to find the representative in your area! 

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