Publish date: 11.20.23
When a group of ABS representatives and employees visited ORIgen recently, they were impressed by the quality and depth of the lineup of sires standing there. Let’s unpack who ORIgen is for those that do not know. ORIgen is a bull stud in Billings, Montana who has a unique breeder to breeder model concept that builds bridges between bull breeders and the genetic marketplace.
Through our partnership, ABS supports ORIgen through guidance from our veterinarians and marketing opportunities with our representatives who serve as part of their outside sales force. The relationship benefits ABS as ORIgen provides a great place to house and display sires with a staff dedicated to providing the most bio secure and healthy environment for each individual bull. We greatly value our partnership with ORIgen and thank them for all the work their team does day in and day out.
Now onto the bulls! Brad Bennett and Bobby Strecker, ABS Global District Sales Managers, have shared some thoughts about a few of the bulls from different breeds that hit them the hardest when evaluating them during their visit at ORIgen.
Bobby’s take on a couple of Angus bulls
GAR CONTENDER: He was quite possibly the Angus bull that surprised me the most while at ORIgen. I see him as a next step for those looking at FIREBALL, Ashland, or Hometown. I thought he was particularly good for foot shape and heal depth. He might not be the deepest-bodied bull, but for a bull in his teenage years, I was impressed with his overall body shape, top shape, and impressive hip and base width. CONTENDER is a good bull to inject end product merit with out sacrificing type, kind and correctness in conversations where he fits or someone looking for something different for the Angus breed.

Galaxy GUNNER: We always have producers looking for a little extra growth and performance, while keeping lots of other traits in check. I think GUNNER fits that need and he could be an alternative option for MAN IN BLACK. Powerful, good-looking, deep-bodied, and big-hipped is how I would describe the bull when I saw him at ORIgen. If you have not ever looked him up, I would suggest it. He offers a lot of good pieces from both a data and phenotype standpoint.

FHCC FOUNDATION: This is an Angus bull you will see in our Fall Focal Point available through ORIgen. His sire, Salvation, has made quite a few good cattle over the last couple of years. Salvation-sired cattle are very thick, heavy muscled individuals who offer a lot of capacity and dimension. The biggest issue is Scrotal, Birth Weight, and Calving Ease Direct. FOUNDATION fixes a lot of those issues. Data-wise, he is very intriguing and phenotypically, he is a 6ish framed bull with good feet, length of body, and ample body depth and base width.

Brad’s take on a couple of Angus bulls
Kenny SECURITY and Kenny INSTITUTION: Both of these SAFE DEPOSIT sons need to see use, but folks will prefer them differently. INSTITUTION is the no-doubt heifer bull who reads more moderate and deeper-bodied. SECURITY likely has more stretch, frame, growth, and potentially the EPD package that is more conducive to some fall-calving herds or those wanting to push performance in their heifer progeny.

Bobby’s take on a couple of Red Angus bulls
EMPOWER: We have talked about ENERGIZE for a while now, but I was really impressed with EMPOWER and his type and kind. He is more around a 6-frame compared to the 4.5 of ENERGIZE. I think EMPOWER shares a lot of similarities to SPARTAN in terms of balance, muscle shape and his hip and hindleg structure. Although ENERGIZE has been around the block, I think EMPOWER is the Red Angus sire that certainly needs to be used.

Brad’s take on a future star of the Red Angus lineup
CONFIDENT: He is a future star in our lineup. He is another example of using the right black genetics in a red package and offers a lot of pedigree diversity as a result. This Red Angus sire will absolutely catch your eye because of his overall build. His full sister was the high-selling heifer the same day CONFIDENT sold and a full brother commanded the attention of the entire industry about 30 days later when he sold. Be CONFIDENT in your breeding program with him!

What Bobby has to say about the Simmental
KLONDIKE: I really like his kind as he is extremely correct, long-bodied, smooth-made, and good-footed. He is an exceptionally good candidate to breed heifers to this spring. While he might not be the stoutest, heaviest muscled bull, he is still above average for base width, hip, and overall dimension. I think he proves what TRUE NORTH can do on purebred Simmental cows. KLONDIKE is designed to produce superior replacement females, the kind you can build a herd around.

What Brad has to say about the Hereford
GENERATOR: Just an absolute brute standing at ORIgen. He is tremendous for mass, power, foot size, and bone. You can easily use him as the power option in our Hereford lineup. He was widely sought after when we purchased the bull. That popularity has not gone away, especially with the quality of calves he has already put on the ground. Use GENERATOR for big time look and performance.

With our broad lineup of bulls, programs, and technical expertise, we are positioned to help you Make Matings with Intent. We have the tools and sires that will fit a variety of different needs and operational goals. Remember, the genetics you use today determine the future opportunities of those resulting calves. Ultimately, our role is to support you in achieving your goals and reaping financial rewards from genetic selection, allowing you to devote more time to caring for your livestock, business, and family.
To discover all we can do for you, contact your ABS Representative, or complete the form below.