Publish date: 11.26.24
Regardless of goals or markets, the engine of all dairies is a calving event because a full-term pregnancy results in a lactation. Dairy producers want to create as many pregnancies as possible to maximize calving events and keep cows in milk. Every pregnancy has the ability to generate profit. To maximize profitability, deploying the right genetics on the right portion of the herd is key because the semen you choose determines the path of that pregnancy—heifer replacements or beef cross calves.
A pregnancy on your dairy has two paths it can take in terms of outcomes. It can be an investment for future profitability otherwise known as your heifer replacements, or a positive cash flow calf which are your beef crosses. This is where a sexed and beef strategy begins and neither bucket should have more calves in it than the number you need.
It’s a balancing act. You must create the right number of females to avoid having an overabundance of females, but also, generate enough to prevent you from having to purchase replacements due to breeding for too many short-term cash-flow beef pregnancies.
Answering the following questions can help you determine how many calves you should have in each bucket and what your genetic plan needs to look like. You can then deploy sexed semen and the right beef genetics to accomplish your goals. With the development of sexed semen, you have the power to determine the future of a calf before a pregnancy is even confirmed.
- What is your current herd performance versus your future herd goals?
- Why are you culling females in your herd and at what rate?
- How many heifers do you need to raise?
- What opportunities do you have when marketing beef-on-dairy calves?
Make Every Pregnancy Count with These Tools
You have the resources at your disposal to make each pregnancy count. In your genetic plan, consider using a Custom Index and sexed semen to determine the outcome of each pregnancy.
Custom Index: You can build a tailored selection index that is based on your management style and herd goals. It allows you to select the traits you want to focus on, and their weightings, and move your herd in the direction of your desired future performance.
X and Y skew sexed semen: As input costs increase, it is crucial to avoid raising more heifers than you require, but also, the profitability spread between male and female beef-on-dairy continues to grow. Don’t worry. With a precise genetic plan, you can produce highly valued beef-on-dairy calves to maximize short-term income flow while managing your heifer investment by producing the right amount of replacements—all possible because of sexed semen.
Keep in mind that each pregnancy has a purpose; maximize each one by developing a strategic genetic plan based on your dairy’s future goals. Learn more about using sexed semen and the right beef genetics to make every pregnancy count by reading our article originally published in Progressive Dairy.
Want to maximize profitability with a genetic plan designed to accomplish your goals? Contact your local ABS Representative or complete the form below.