Maintaining udder health depends on selecting the right udder care products. Nevertheless, selecting the right product depends on the situation the dairy is facing at that moment rather than just selecting for seasons changing. Using the right product in the right situation is essential for a successful udder care program in order to achieve optimal effectiveness. Under ideal conditions, use concentrate products, like the Express products below, that are effective in maintaining udder and teat health. However, when tough situations arise, we recommend using non-concentrate products.
With research showing that the average case of clinical mastitis is $444 per cow, it is imperative to use a product that delivers a broad-spectrum, quick kill that maximizes protection against all major mastitis-causing organisms. Express Prime gives you the power of chlorine dioxide protection when conditions are ideal to help you exceed your milk production and quality goals. You do not have to worry about restarting the exfoliation process, because Express Prime continuously exfoliates dead skin on teats and teat ends and keeps skin healthy, supple, and smooth. Plus, its green dye is proven to mark teats well. Express Prime is the high-performance, affordable alternative to iodine that you’ve been looking for.

- Pre and post in one dip
- Bright blue marking for easy identification
- Includes effective skin conditioning
- Variable ratios allows for customization
- Cost-effective product for walkovers
- Includes effective skin conditioning package
This economical and convenient product is ready-to-use with the aid of our pump systems. Express Blue
is designed to thoroughly clean teats and kill mastitis-causing bacteria, while its skin conditioners keep teat skin healthy and continuously exfoliate dead skin on teats and teat ends. This product offers a fast kill, which is a plus in the time-critical pre-dip process, or protection right up until the next milking if used as a post-dip. Its premium teat marking verifies teats are being properly dipped milker to milker and milking to milking.

- Variable ratios allows for customization
- Cost-effective product for walkovers
- Includes effective skin conditioning package
- Maintains healthy teat skin and teat ends
- Robust skin conditioning package with nine different skin conditioners
Express 1 is the product you can count on for premium protection against harmful, mastitis-causing organisms when conditions are ideal, especially when research shows that the average case of clinical Mastitis is $444 per cow. This economical and convenient product is ready-to-use with the aid of our pump systems. Express 1 is designed to thoroughly clean teats and kill mastitis-causing bacteria, while its skin conditioners keep teat skin healthy and continuously exfoliate dead skin on teats and teat ends. This product offers a fast kill, which is a plus in the time-critical pre-dip process, or protection right up until the next milking if used as a post-dip.

- Pre and post in one dip
- Bright blue marking for easy identification
- Includes effective skin conditioning package
- Maintains healthy teat skin and teat ends
- Robust skin conditioning package with nine different skin conditioners
Interested in determining which concentrate product is right for you?
Contact your local UdderCare Specialist or complete the form below.