Make Matings with Intent
Our philosophy is to provide proven genetics that add value from pasture to plate. It is because of this mindset that our genetic emphasis includes multi-trait performers featuring end-product merit for the consumer while demanding cattle possess the functional performance traits necessary to thrive for commercial cattle producers.
Knowing there are more tools and data at the fingertips of producers to use in genetic selection. We developed a system to assist you in choosing the right genetics to meet your operation’s goals. It is called the ABS Pasture to Plate Genetic Evaluation.
Our Past Led Us Here
Challenging the status quo is not new to us. In the 1960s, we initiated the first large scale, multi-herd progeny test program which was used to screen new bulls added to the ABS lineup. In 1973, ABS published the first EPDs from our progeny test program data. The foundation of ABS was built on data collection and progeny testing. Pioneering in this space of the industry is part of our DNA.
Exclusive System Built for You
The Pasture to Plate™ Genetic Evaluation is an exclusive program designed to test progeny of ABS bulls in real-world environments and turn that information into tools that will help you select the right genetics to meet your operation’s goals. Our team uses genomics, phenotypic information, and two decades worth of ABS progeny test data to generate selection indexes you can apply directly to your herd.

Have Confidence in the Data
Our genetic evaluation system is a product of our foundation and our past. It was built purposely to identify sires that generate the most profitable feeder cattle in the beef supply chain. This is the very system that we use today to drive genetic progress with our NuEra Genetics program, designed specifically with profitability and the beef supply chain in mind.
Our system is independent of breed associations and has been developed to allow for cross-breed comparison of Angus and Simmental influence bulls on an equal basis. Designed as a straightforward way to evaluate post-weaning profitability, you can have confidence that you are selecting the right sires for you to maximize total end-product profit.
Data Sources for the Evaluation
Each year more data is added to our evaluation as we continue our focus on data collection and demonstration of genetics at work. Monthly updates to the evaluation incorporate genomics and phenotypic records on tens of thousands of animals from our internal database including progeny test data. It also includes an industry leading repository of feed intake data collected through ABS programs.

Today our U.S. evaluation system includes more than 13,000 individual feed intake records and exceeds 65,000 carcass records. A comprehensive data set that you can trust when selecting sires for endpoint profitability.
Discover more about the information provided in the ABS Pasture to Plate Genetic Evaluation and how to use it below. Look for the designated chart to identify the highest indexing sires.
A quality end-product and increased pounds are key economic drivers in the entire beef supply chain. Our customers interested in retaining ownership and endpoint profitability need sires that excel in growth performance, feed efficiency, and carcass merit. If this is the focus for your operation, look for sires within our Angus and Simmental offering we have specifically chosen for performance and end-product profitability or our NuEra Genetics lineup.
To learn more about the ABS Pasture to Plate Genetic Evaluation System, contact your ABS Representative or complete the form below.