The Industry’s Best Fertility Sexed Semen

The Benefits of Using Sexcel on Your Dairy  

In a world where more is better, why should your sexed genetics be any different? Sexcel® is the one result you can relyon for getting more. What does more look like? Well with Sexcel, it looks like this.   

  • You can increase your herd size from within by creating more heifers or maintain your current size by precisely managing your heifer inventories.   
  • You can improve your herd’s lifetime genetic value through genetically superior daughters and expect a growth in milk production from the positive impact of a female calf’s gestation which impacts profitability.   
  • You have the opportunity to add more profit sources and reduce the risk of Dystocia when you harness the power of Sexcel.   
  • You can elevate your calf crop’s value by meeting the beef supply chain’s demand of more profitable male animals.  

Reliable product performance is key to the success of a dairy. High fertility sexed semen leads to more pregnancies, better performance, faster genetic progress, and increased profit.   

As the industry’s best sexed genetics, Sexcel is the product you can rely on to help you create the right cows for your operation, produce the optimal number of replacement heifers, maximize revenue with additional profit sources, and achieve high levels of reproductive performance. When you combine your best females with the best sexed genetics, you will see more production and higher, faster returns.   

Sexcel is produced usingcutting-edge laser technologythat destroys the unwanted female or male sperm cells, depending on what the desired sex is. Female sperm cells contain about 4% more DNA than male sperm cells. Our technology detects this difference in DNA content to identify which sperm cells to destroy and which to keep. 

Sexcel is leading the way for sexed semen as it provides a high probability of success. Observations using ABS Global’s Real World Data® (RWD™) demonstrated that Sexcel achieves a 90% relative conception rate to conventional semen.  

Fast Forward Your Genetic Progress on Your Dairy with Sexcel Female 

We’ve combined the most advanced sexed semen technology with exceptional fertility and the most profitable ABS genetics to improve product performance for our customers. We realize that a unit of sexed female semen results in NO GENETIC PROGRESS unless a cow is pregnantwith a female calf. A healthy heifer needs to be born and only then can genetic progress be seen. That’s where the value is found. Sexcel Female is the one result you can count on to get cows pregnant, fast forward genetic progress, produce ideal replacement heifers, and add additional profit opportunities.  

When looking to produce your next generation of females, ask yourself these questions to determine what the ideal cow is in your dairy.  

  • How do you get paid for your milk?  
  • Why do cows leave the dairy?  
  • What processor demands and facility changes are anticipated in the future?  
  • What does your herd need to look like in five years?  
  • Are there cow design issues affecting efficiency in your operation?  
  • Is your herd’s udder design sufficient for milking?  

Prepare for Future Demands with Sexcel Male Beef 

Male sexed beef semen is gaining traction amongst dairies, today. While this tool isn’t intended to progress your herd genetically, it can raise the value of your calf crop. How? The beef supply chain recognizes the advantages steers bring to their systems: better feed efficiency, average daily gain, and feed conversion. Markets are noticing the value of male animals and rewarding producers based on their calves’ gender.   

Today, it may feel like you don’t need to pay attention to your calf crop’s gender ratio with the strong demand from the chain, driving solid calf prices. However, as markets shift, producing just a live black calf may not cut it anymore. Being aware of tools like male sexed beef semen can help you create a black calf that excels for supply chain profit drivers: feed efficiency, carcass traits, and growth traits, driving profitability for you.  

Differentiate yourself in the marketplace by changing the gender ratio of your calf crop—like you’ve done for years with dairy genetics.

Implementing Sexcel Male Beef on Your Dairy 

  1. Deploy into fertile heats that will result in a pregnancy, but in animals not critically needed to create a replacement—think of females that you want to harvest their milk but not their genetics   
  2. Use in healthy females who will give us another calf and remain in the herd through that gestation   
  3. Place, typically, in young animals and the 1st and 2nd service  
  4. Handle it just like female sexed semen  

Leverage your team, facility, and business strengths with male sexed beef semen. If you can retain ownership to a certain weight of these beef calves rather than selling day-olds, you’ll reap the benefits of genetics designed for the beef supply chain. You garner the rewards of running a beef cow/calf herd without the beef cow and get paid for your calf growth quality.  

Strategically Use Sexcel to Make Your Beef Replacement Heifers  

Beef producers that utilize Sexcel® can purposefully select sires with greater maternal traits and generate superior replacement heifers. When selecting these sires, producers can focus on traits associated with fertility, milking ability, maintenance cost, and longevity.    

By combining the use of female-sexed semen, estrus synchronization, and breeding strategies like Sexcel 60/40 Synch, more replacement female calves can be born closer to the beginning of the calving season. These replacement heifers are then not only genetically superior for maternal traits but are also older by the start of their first breeding season, which increases their chances of becoming pregnant and longevity in the herd.   

A list of recommended estrus synchronization protocols for sexed semen is available from the Beef Reproduction Task Force and can help producers minimize differences in fertility between sexed and conventional semen.  

Quality Counts  

While working with biology has its fair share of unknowns, we strive to produce a product that you can have a high level of confidence in. The performance of our product on your operation is of the utmost importance to us. That is why it undergoes a rigorous protocol process that includes multiple quality control steps to ensure you have a product you can count on.     

Our process includes a pre-sexing quality control step where the ejaculate is confirmed to be a sample of high enough quality to run on our instruments. If an ejaculate DOES NOT PASS ONE of our incoming quality parameters, it will not be allowed to proceed. We also include a post-sexing quality control step at the end of the process to ensure the product meets our rigorous standards. Any batch that DOES NOT MEET ALL quality control criteria is destroyed.    

We know you have many things to worry about it comes to when running your operation. The quality and performance of our product should not be one of them. Our goal is to produce a sexed product that you can rely on every time.

Sexcel gives you the power to confidently make your replacement heifers from your best cows and improve the overall value of your calf crop.

Don’t take our word for it. Listen to your peers. 

You can trust Sexcel to help you create the right cows for your operation, produce the optimal number of replacement heifers, maximize profitability, and achieve high levels of reproductive performance. Fast forward your genetic progress and produce your ideal replacement heifers with the industry’s best fertility-sexed semen product! 

Harness the power of Sexcel in your herd by contacting your local ABS Representative or filling out the form below.  

Sexcel ® Sexed Genetics is powered by IntelliGen Technologies. 

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