Red Oak, IA

Growing up on a swine farm in southwest Iowa, Dave DeVries knew that he wanted to be a farmer for a living. Though he didn’t know what he wanted to farm right away, he knew he didn’t want to be like everyone else.
Dave was offered the opportunity to buy some land in the same county as his home farm, which launched the DeVries Farm. From there, Dave decided to get involved in crop and cattle production.
Overtime, what started as an operation of helping others farm their land and a 25-head cow herd, then turned into a 2,500-acre operation with 200 cows and 30 replacement heifers. The cattle are managed by Dave, his wife, Tammy, their children, Lainey and Kennedy, as well as their hired help.
While he was focusing on the expansion of his herd, Dave decided to partner with ABS. As he looked to produce sound, tough, and growable calves while maintaining calving ease, Brian Brace, ABS District Sales Manager and Chris Knox, ABS Representative, assisted in finding the right genetics and implementing synchronization practices for successful pregnancy rates with A.I.
DeVries Calf ABS AI Guns
Since working with ABS, Dave has been impressed with the economic value that genetics has provided for his operation. “I can improve my herd with just three days of work while still getting top notch genetics and the ability to put cattle in the finishing barn sooner,” says DeVries. “It gives me way more control.” With such control, the DeVries Farm aims to produce better heifer replacements with maternally oriented bulls like REVVED UP and HICKOK. He is also able to maximize the yield of animals that are sent through the supply chain with Simmental sires like FRANCHISE, and his long-term favorite – BOULDER, to add pounds with heterosis. From using ABS genetics on his entire herd, Dave states that he is “extremely satisfied” not just with the quality of animals that have been produced, but with the experience and service that he has received from ABS.
They would do anything to help me and are extremely knowledgeable. They sincerely want me to succeed and understand that it’s a family matter.
Dave DeVries

Dave plans to continue to work closely with ABS Representative Chris Knox as he plans to expand the size of his herd in the future. He is excited that his partnership with ABS has helped maximize his efficiency through genetics and is looking forward to taking his herd to the next level.

Thank you to the DeVries family for being a loyal customer of ABS!