Brady, Texas
Larry and Jan Donop own and operate Donop Ranch located in Brady, Texas. They specialize in raising high quality commercial Angus cattle through Larry’s progressiveness in adapting to technology. Donop Ranch started utilizing artificial insemination and synchronization in the early 70s with the assistance of their ABS Representative, Darrel Geron. Over the years, they have built a loyal customer following based on their reputation of offering high quality genetics that succeed in customer operations.

Larry places high selection pressure on fertility by only letting replacements remain in the herd if they conceive via A.I. All females that do not become pregnant through A.I. are marketed. The overall goal in the Donop Ranch cow herd is to produce efficient cows that are extremely maternal, docile and moderate framed. For bulls they market, they pride themselves on producing bulls that are low birth weight but high performance.

Selecting 100% ABS genetics, Darrell assists to identify bulls that meet Larry’s criteria which is calving ease, low birth weight and high $W. Larry firmly believes genetics are important, and keeping accurate records validate the genetics selected help them achieve their goals. While Donop Ranch is a family affair and has many individuals to thank for their success, Larry and Jan expressed that Darrell and ABS’ input in their operation has been priceless!
“We appreciate both Darrel and our Regional Manager, John Merrill, for their support, their interest and their friendship! We could not have advanced the A.I. operation as successfully without their input!” – Larry and Jan Donop

While excellent genetics, artificial insemination, synchronization and diligent recording keeping are vital to the sustainability of Donop Ranch, their partnership with ABS has helped take their herd to the next level.