A well-executed milking procedure relies on good environment, equipment and udder care. If there are deficiencies in any of these main areas, the risk of the mastitis rate increasing is much higher.
Without a good milking procedure, the cow won’t have good let down, which will negatively affect milking efficiency and cow comfort. Also, a poor procedure with insufficient dip coverage and/or cleaning will leave behind harmful bacteria that could lead to increased mastitis cases.
It’s becoming more common for dairies to skip the stripping process due to perceived time constraints. This actually causes slower letdown and milk out, since stripping is also when you would check for signs of mastitis. Eliminating this key step will make it harder to detect issues early and will end up costing more money and time in the long run.
In this case, prevention is better than a cure. By maintaining good environment, equipment, and udder care, the mastitis rate will decline, resulting in a more efficient and cost-effective operation.
Genus ABS solutions for Udder Care
The Valiant range of udder care products offers both pre-milking and post-milking solutions to help improve our herd’s udder health. Valiant Foam-Ultra is an udder care product designed to be used before milking, it’s foaming action cleans more effectively than a liquid, providing a superior standard of pre-cleansing. […]
Don’t React. Prevent Through Genetics. Transition health disorders take a toll on your time, money, and your herd’s productivity. Today, however, it’s possible to reduce the risks with Genus ABS enhanced TransitionRight®. ABS Global, the world leader in bovine genetics, reproduction services, and technologies, uses a refined genetics program that gauges both proven data and […]
Don’t let your parlour milk away your profits We are the UK’s largest independent team of parlour specialists providing milking machine testing services, fault diagnostics, servicing and unbiased practical advice to our clients so they can maximise their return on their milking assets. Nothing works harder than your parlour We estimate that the average milking […]