Advance your herd’s performance
At Genus ABS our mission is to help you profit from genetic progress. With GENEadvance®, you can expect to see genetic improvement faster than ever before.

What is GENEadvance®
GENEadvance® will accelerate genetic improvement in your herd to deliver better future herd performance. Our service combines our expertise along with the latest in genomic technology and market-leading genetics.
GENEadvance® improves the selection accuracy of herd replacements and helps make more informed breeding decisions whilst optimising heifer numbers to fit your strategy.
We will provide you with a personalised genetic plan to meet your specific needs and help you achieve your future goals.
Our comprehensive reviews demonstrate the progress made, show the value of the decisions we make differently and keep us on track!
What are the benefits?

Guidance on genetic goals and strategy

Access to world-leading dairy and beef genetics

Genomic testing of females for informed decisions

Maximise your Sexcel® & Beef InFocus™ strategy

Optimise heifer numbers to match replacements needs

Customised genetic plan for your strategy

Simple monthly payments options

Genetic reviews to monitor progress

What is Genomic Testing?
GENEadvance® utilises female genomic testing to predict the genetic merit of heifers at a very young age. The data will enable us to rank your females based on the traits important to you and help select the heifers you want to use to create your future herd replacements and those which you want to sell or breed to beef.
When making decisions about which animals to keep to breed replacements from, genomic testing is much more reliable than basing breeding decisions on parent averages*. The increase in reliability can be leveraged to more confidently increase selection intensity. The benefits don’t end there – you will also receive corrected sire information on their females. This will allow for more accurate matings and the management of inbreeding and haplotypes.
It’s not just about genomic testing, our experts will be on-hand throughout. We will help identify your goals, guide you through the genomic testing process, develop your customised plan and provide regular reviews to demonstrate progress made. Our team will utilise industry-leading genetic tools and provide you with our world-leading genetics to ensure we help you to accelerate genetic progress to improve future herd performance.
Genomic testing provides reliabilities ~70%, compared to ~33% or less for parent averages dependant on data quality.
Let’s hear what you think…
“I started genomic testing for my own curiosity using some of my better-bred animals. I discovered a wealth of information that helped to make much better breeding decisions. Seeing how well they performed made me move to test the whole lot.
This programme has delivered all of my genomic testing and genetic needs in one straightforward package. It has given me a quick and efficient turnaround time on results and access to world-leading genetics.”
– Willie Fleming
“Now is the right time for genomic testing. If we don’t take it up now, we will be left behind. It’s a more efficient solution to breeding!”
– Russell Abbiss
How it works
Review genetic goals
Our experts will discuss and review your genetic goals and long-term strategy for your herd. We will consider everything from your milk contract, milk recording data, herd environment to traits that are important to you and future herd plans. Depending on your goals and needs we can tailor the data we receive from the genomic test to look at the traits that are unique and most important to you.
Female genomic testing
Genomic testing females in your herd will accurately predict their future performance and help make more informed and accurate breeding decisions with the support of our genetic experts.
We will guide you through the process of taking a small tissue sample from an animals ear which we send to the laboratory for testing.
Customised genetic plan
Using the genomic testing data and your breeding goals we will develop a customised genetic plan with mating recommendations for every female in your herd to help achieve your longer term goals and make faster genetic progress.
Genetic review
Our annual Genetic Review provided as part of GENEadvance will demonstrate the progress you have made in accelerating genetic improvement in your herd. We can show you how genomic testing has improved the accuracy of selection decisions versus using parent averages and the impact of creating replacements from your best females.
Register Your Interest – GENEadvance®
Complete the below form to be contacted by the Genus ABS team.
Get more value from genomic testing…
If you are genomic testing your herd you can now also measure individual somatic cell counts (SCC) from your bulk tank sample with GenoCells from NMR. Find out more here.

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