Dairy Crossbreeding Solution

Get a tailor-made program created for your unique herd situation with dairy crossbreeding.

Find the help you need to create the problem-free herd you want. A revolutionary dairy crossbreeding solution will fit your system perfectly, delivering excellent production, superb health, and unrivalled fertility. Expect reduced workload and increased profits.

This is a solution that gives you more, faster. Focusing on creating a dairy crossbreeding program tailor-made for your unique herd situation.  

With the wide variety of herd environments, nutrition, milk buyers and management, there is no “one-size-fits-all” breeding program. So, Genus ABS will help you develop a customised dairy crossbreeding program to fit your herd. More than that, we have the people, experience, and support to help you and your team manage your crossbreeding program and foster the best possible results. Plus, as a full-service provider, we have the products and services to ensure your reproductive program delivers maximum efficiency and profitability. 

Advantages of Dairy Crossbreeding 

Use dairy crossbreeding to create the problem-free herd you want. With help from Genus ABS, you can build a solution that fits your system perfectly and delivers excellent production, superb health, and unrivalled fertility. You can expect reduced workload and increased profits, time after time. 

  • Take advantage of the superior traits of various breeds : For example, Jerseys excel in solids production and Norwegian Reds have exceptional fertility and health. Using these breed advantages makes substantial, sustainable improvements in your herd. This is called “complementarity” or using breeds that will best deliver the herd you need. 
  • Gain heterosis or hybrid vigor which is the “free benefit” of crossbreeding that enhances performance . Improved fertility, health, and longevity contribute to increased profitability by reducing involuntary culling and creating an easier-to-manage herd. 
  • Change your herd faster. Taking advantage of the significant differences between breeds gives you the power to improve your herd more quickly. For example, using Jersey on Holstein can dramatically drop weight and stature in just one generation, creating a more efficient herd of cows. 

Two-Way Crossing 

Holstein and Norwegian red crossbreed

WHAT IS IT? Two-way crossing is the practice of rotating between two breeds to create a pedigree.  

WHY USE IT? This is the simplest program for crossbreeding. It is easy for the producer to quickly and correctly select the breed of sire to breed to a dam. Two-way crossing results in a sustained heterosis rate of about 66 percent. 

Three-Way Crossing  

Holstein and Norwegian Red Crossbreed with Jersey

WHAT IS IT? Three-way crossing is the practice of using three breeds in a rotation to create a pedigree. 

WHY USE IT? Utilising three-way crossing allows for about 85 percent sustained heterosis. However, it can be harder to execute correctly since there is more opportunity for error. Herds using this program must be diligent to correctly identify the sire of a calf from conception until breeding date. 

Design Your Dairy Crossbreeding Program  

  1. Create a priority list: Prioritise what you want to achieve from your crossbreed herd  
  2. Identify your breeds: Identify the breeds that are most relevant or complementary to your herd  
  3. Choose your crossbreeding system : Two-way cross  or three-way cross 
  4. Design a long-term plan: This way you will create your custom herd of crossbreds 
  5. Select the sires: Choose the ones that match your herd’s priorities  

Explore the possibilities for faster herd improvement with dairy crossbreeding by contacting your Genus ABS Representative or completing the form below:

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