Special Award – 2021

Message from Stephen Wilson, CEO

Dear colleagues,

It’s now 18 months since COVID-19 first started to sweep around the world. The effects have been profound on our way of living and working, and very sadly on the lives of some of our families, friends and colleagues. Thankfully, due to the skill and incredible speed of scientists around the world in creating effective vaccines, as well as the dedication of so many in supporting the vaccine rollouts, we can now see the path back to more normal social interactions in the future. As a global company, we see different countries at varying stages in this journey and no doubt there will be some setbacks along the way, however I am optimistic that over time colleagues in all our countries will gradually see life return to normal.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, I have been moved and inspired by your dedication to serving our customers and supporting each other. Your extraordinary efforts have helped us overcome many challenges and kept our business healthy and growing through FY21. Thank you for the contribution you have all made through the pandemic.  As a gesture of gratitude, a one-off special FY21 payment will be made to every eligible Genus employee who joined the business on or before 1 April 2021, in every area of the world.

Every one of you has played an important role in what has been a tremendous team effort. The way you have adapted to difficult circumstances and embraced new ways of working has been truly impressive. Whether you have been working on one of our sites, continuing to serve customers on their farms or adjusting to working from home, your commitment, flexibility and resilience have helped us continue delivering for our customers and making great strategic progress. I am proud to be working with you.

This special FY21 award will be £500 ($700 in the USA or local currency equivalents elsewhere) for eligible employees at 30 June 2021 who joined the business before 2021, and half this value for any joiners between 1 January 2021 and 1 April 2021.   It will be paid to every eligible employee in Genus as outlined below.  It will be in addition to your regular pay or any bonus or commission scheme for which you are eligible.

I hope this special one-time award will be welcome and that you know how much I appreciate everything you’ve achieved during this challenging period. You can find detailed information on eligibility, payment amounts and payroll dates below.

Please look out for the payment.  In the meantime, thank you again for your unwavering passion and commitment to our company.

Warm wishes

Stephen Wilson

EligibilityAll employees of Genus below GELT as at 30 June 2021.  Contractors are not eligible.
JoinersJoiners before 1 Jan 2021 will receive £500. Joiners between 1 January 2021 and 1 April 2021 (inclusive) will receive half of this value. No awards will be made to joiners after 1 April 2021.
Leave of absenceEligible employees who are on scheduled leave of absence will be eligible for the award
PaymentsUK: 25th July
TaxationAmounts subject to tax and social security in line with local legislation in each country. Withholding will take place locally where required, and any employee taxes are the responsibility of the individual and not the company.